
  • Anno
  • Durata
    33 minuti
  • Numero Tracce
  • Formati Disponibili
    Streaming Online

Registrato presso R Studio, Oderzo (TV).
Sound Engineer & Mix by Cristiano Verardo
Master by Marco Andretta, Oderzo (TV)


Haphazard nasce tra concerti e sessioni di prove nella primavera/estate 2023, fungendo da catalizzatore di diverse energie e intenzioni all’interno della band, catturandone le essenze in un progetto eterogeneo e svincolato da confini precisi.

Quello che era stato messo alla prova in passato, con questo progetto è stato finalmente messo in pratica; Haphazard è stato prodotto, suonato, registrato e mixato completamente dagli ammiragli presso le stanze dell’R Studio di Oderzo (TV).

Haphazard significa letteralmente “casuale” ed è questo lo spirito con cui siamo salpati per questo viaggio; senza il filo conduttore di un concept che ci guidasse come con gli scorsi progetti, ci siamo messi all’opera per fare della diversità il punto forte di questo lavoro.

Abbiamo quindi raccolto differenti sonorità e spaziato nelle tematiche dei testi, evitando di percepire il disco come un contenitore etichettato ma piuttosto come un libro con le pagine bianche, pronte per essere colorate e riempite senza un preciso riferimento, se non appunto quello della casualità.

Se fino a prima gli ammiragli navigavano nelle acque di un grande oceano, questo progetto rappresenta invece un viaggio attraverso gli angoli dei mari, rispecchiando la differente identità dei singoli brani come singoli viaggi all’interno della stessa esperienza.

Avremo quindi modo di esplorare assieme spiagge alte e rocciose come le sonorità di “Troubles” e “Get Awake in Time“, per poi proseguire il viaggio in un arcipelago di differenze musicali, dall’isola di “One By One” con il suo popolo di sognatori e pescatori che hanno incitato il nostro Joe a prendere in mano il microfono, all’isola di “Downpressor Man” con le sue paludi insidiose abitate da un eremita che ci ispirò alla scrittura di “Go Man, Go“, trovando poi serenità nella solitudine della tranquilla baia di “My Day“, prima di salpare in un viaggio introspettivo verso il promontorio di “Don’t Blame Yourself” dove avremo modo di riflettere e gioire delle avventure passate.

Non c’è quindi una direzione in Haphazard ma piuttosto una volontà a proseguire il viaggio, immergendosi nell’esperienze stesse e lasciandosi colorare da ognuna di esse in maniera unica e differente.

Tracklist & Lyrics

Hit Me Now!

Hit me now!
Hit me with the music!
One more time!

Hit me now!
No, no, no!
Hit me with the music!
Let me tell you:

Shall be anytime.
All day, all night.
To keep you satisfied.
To keep me alive, and so:

Will we stand to overcome these inner fights?
It’s hard for sure but not for this we’ll quit to try,
so let me tell you,

Hit me brother!
Hit me with the music!

Do not do that!
What? What are you talkin’ about?
Don’t fright me with the silence!
Oh no, I don’t!

Do not do that!
No, no, no!
Don’t fright me with the silence!
You can bet I won’t!

It’s medication!
Just pure vibrations!
Clear inspiration.
Are you with me now?!

Will we stand to overcome these inner fights?
It’s hard for sure but not for this we’ll quit to try,
so let me tell you,

Hit me brother!
Hit me with the music!

Get Awake in Time

Oh. What do the people say?
Oh. What do the people say?

Sittin’ and chattin’, all day, all night:
You’re livin’ in a mirror of apologies.
“Trampled&Mocked” is a brand-new line,
so one step forward and you’re outta sight!

Boredom’ll starts to fill your life,
you think you’re free, well, that’s a lie!
One could break those tiny chains,
but no one’s sure to loose his safety!

Oh. What do the people say?
Get awake in time! (Hey!)
What does your heart is saying?

Old and young have started a fight,
both speak loud but telling lies;
nobody seems to notice how the gap have grown,
all so busy to pursuit their goals!

Like a frog in a pressure pot;
you keep on chill while the heat keep grow,
and when you’ll start to feel the burning
it’s too late and it’s all boiled!

Oh. What do the people say?
Get awake in time! (Hey!)
What does your heart is saying?

One By One

Take a look around:
Seems the more you shout,
The more they listen.

What do you mean?
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
They say there is no freedom,
There’s only burdens,
There’s only burdens on my shoulders
but I need to move along!

What do you mean?
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
They say there is no dreaming,
There’s no volition,
There’s no volition and the people
are afraid to make it up!

While the people talking everything going down,
I keep on walking on the one step sound:
People, we got to make it right now!
People, we have to make it right now!

Sometimes I see a little sister crying,
And I see a little brother give it up and lie:
Because of absence of love!
Because they didn’t gave it at all!

You can’t keep on fooling me…
(No more, no more!)
Can’t you see the cause above?
(Can’t you see?)

When have a little, pick a little;
Take a little, give a little. (I want you now!)
When have a little, pick a little;
Take a little, give a little. (I say, one by one!)
When have a little, pick a little; (Oh Lord, I)
Take a little, give it away.

What do you mean?
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
They say there is no freedom,
There’s only burdens,
There’s only burdens on my shoulders
but I need to move along!

What do you mean?
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
They say there is no dreaming,
There’s no volition,
There’s no volition and the people
are afraid to make it up!

So I tell you somebody gonna make you cry,
I tell you somebody gonna make you really smile,
But in this life you got to grasp what is right
Maybe the fight it’s just between me and I…

And I found myself going up and down
And I saw the others on the same boat now…
So I give a little, give a little,
Give a little drop of my tears…

People of the Earth

When you wake up in the morning
but there’s no sun out there…
Oh what a feeling!

When you wake up in the morning
but there’s no sun out there…

People of the earth!
I’m calling, I’m begging!
People of the earth! C’mon now,
I’m waiting, be ready!

There’s a thing we call it fate
that is moving day by day,
And if you look outside your window,
you won’t find no reasons to linger,

I’m sayin’

When you wake up in the morning
but there’s no sun out there…
How do you feel now?

When you wake up in the morning,
In the morning, in the morning…

People of the earth!
Keep living, keep grooving!
People of the earth! C’mon now,
I’m waiting, still waiting…

We must tread along this way,
and yes we’ll stumble day by day.
It doesn’t matter what they’ll say,
as long we move on, we move on!

When you wake up in the morning
but there’s no sun out there…
How do you feel now?

When you wake up in the morning,
In the morning, in the morning…

Turnin' Me On

I’ve choose the wrong path
So many times;
I had no other choice
Than keep on going…

This world around me,
Seems not too fair,
Way too much rotten
When you dig in depht.

Would anybody come and try turning me on?
Come and try to turning me on…
Let’s get keep on trying!

Would anybody come and try turning me on?
Come and try turning me on…
Pull away your sorrow.

It’s a volition,
Not a fantasy:
I’d like you ponder
With mind being free…

It will be longer
Than life itself;
I gotta ride on throught
This steep ascent

Would anybody come and try turning me on?
Come and try to turning me on…
Let’s get keep on trying!

Would anybody come and try turning me on?
Come and try to turning me on…
Pull away your sorrow.

Don’t be sad!
Tomorrow you’ll never know…
Don’t get mad!
For things you’ll never have…
Try stay free!
Free your inner self!

We got a chance now:
to change ourselves.
The road is harsh, you know,
The more you step!

You hold the power
To make your choice:
Yes, many tears will fall,
so let’em go!

Would anybody come and try turning me on?
Come and try to turning me on…
Let’s get keep on trying!

Would anybody come and try turning me on?
Come and try to turning me on…
Pull away your sorrow.

Go Man, Go

Oh man, no!
What are you saying?

Go man, go
are you leaving the town?
I mean, once you’re gone,
will you ever return?

So why you cry,
while you’re living
with the ticket in your hand?
Is the ticket for the train of faith,
that carries on, that carries on…

And now
Go man, go,
are you leaving the town from the sea?
Are you sailing with that ship?
Are you leaving all those lies behind?
Feeding your time,
nothing will accomplish
’till a single action will be made!
So, so, so…

Go man, go
have you left your own town?
I mean, now you’re gone,
and you’ve never returned…

So have you try?
Have you walked past the line?
Satisfied your needs?
Fled, whit no nationality!

Let him go alone!

Downpressor Man

Walkin’ through the haze, through the pities of town
I need to go beyond if I want to lay down:
Where is the day?
Where is the night?

And I come alone to see what have you done
I need to find a way to get out from this haze:
Is this your play?
But is not a game…

So long,
Downpressor man,
Keeps the truth unspoken…
Downpressor man,
Keeps the truth away…
Downpressor man,
Keeps the truth unspoken,
Downpressor man!

Melted is all the haze, when the moon meets the dawn,
Showing all the pain that is blowing around:
Is this the day?
What is this place?

The hunting for the devil that is hiding in hate
Must to be accomplished much before a new haze:
Will there be an end?
We don’t need you again!

Downpressor man,
Keeps the truth unspoken…
Downpressor man,
Keeps the truth away…
Downpressor man,
Keeps the truth unspoken,
Downpressor man!

Maybe is the light that has lost its shine
Maybe is the devil that curse all my days
I don’t want to be like those bla-bla-mouth:
I don’t want to be like: down, down, down, down!

Downpressor man!


People, we are in trouble!
Cause there’s no meaning!
In this communication…
Brothers, we are in trouble!
Cause there’s no speaking!
Between the counterparties…

So what we need…
Is what we’ve lost…
And what we lost
is this feel of love.

And so,
We want ya…
To be the rebel…
To be the lion…
I beg you don’t …
Don’t go!

People, we are in trouble!
Cause there’s no worries!
About this future, man…
Brothers, we ain’t gonna make it
Cause there’s no quality!
In this life we’re living!

So what we need…
Is what we’ve lost…
And what we lost
is this feel of love.

And so,
We want ya…
To be the rebel…
To be the lion…
I beg you don’t …
Don’t go!

My Day

If you ever had ambitions,
fight to hold your reasons, (Come with me, live)
Live to see them grow and
wait to reap the harvest.

Too weak to break
The chains that are binding you…
Too blind to see
The troubles in front of you…

So let me guess your feels
and let me see your heart now,
Brother don’t you worry,
Come and walk together,

‘cos my day…
Could it be your day…
Yes, my day!
Could it be your day!

If you didn’t get the lesson,
don’t come home tomorrow; (Get up and lift)
Lift that heavy burden,
Stand to push it harder!

‘cos those wicky thoughts
Have now long abbandoned me;
And no taunt, no brag
No curse can devoar me now!

‘cos my day…
Could it be your day…
Yes, my day!
Could it be your day!

Time is going to run for all…
Time is going to run for all…

If you do not hold no grief then,
Stand before the others, (Wake up and keep)
Keep a good observance
Rise with all your brothers.

May the bonds you’ll forge
will guide you throughout your way.
You gotta keep on strive,
not living like yesterday!

‘cos my day…
Could it be your day…
Yes, my day!
Could it be your day!

Don't Blame Yourself

Accept me
for the being I am,
for the things I
still believe or don’t know yet.
You won’t rise,
if you ever fall before;
you better move on now.

In this world
only shapes see light,
not the things I
carry on inside.
There won’t be
no care at all;
seems so strange to me…

So if I see you cry,
I will share your tears,
there’s no greater solution
than open up now.
Can’t you see?
I’m here to tell you,
faith can move the highest mountain!

Don’t blame yourself!
Hey, can you stop your mourn?
Don’t blame yourself!
Well, about a thing I’m sure,
Don’t blame yourself!
You got a job to do,
go face to face to future,
be ready any moment!

In the dark
I say, there is no light,
Can you see now
How I fear the gloom?
It must be told,
Is not a game:
Stop complaining man…

So, where you run?
Are you leaving?
Have you just decided
Wich way to go?
Don’t give up,
keep going your way,
Believe thyself!

And if I see you smile,
Then I’ll know you’ve won,
there’s no better occasion
to linger on now.

Can’t you see?
I’m here to tell you,
faith can move the highest mountain!